Tagged with large cap


Knuthsen: As Novo beats, why Danish stocks are...

611 views August 05, 2015

The Danish large cap OMX Copenhagen 20 index has risen more than 40% this year outperforming most...


Earnings Season: Will the Davids beat the...

500 views April 10, 2015

Q1 earnings season has begun and it's the small cap firms with a spring in their step. Serge...


Berger: My Best & Worst Trade of 2014

433 views December 19, 2014

With the 2014 trading year coming to an end, we at TradingFloor.com are taking a moment to...


Morningstar: Small cap edge waning

398 views December 03, 2014

FFor more than a decade shares in small US businesses have outperformed large company stock. But...


Morningstar: Why investors love income in large...

151 views July 04, 2014

Large-cap domestic-equity funds are maybe not that sexy, but they still are the foundation of...


Should you pay the price for PowerShares?

188 views March 10, 2014

The Powershares Buyback Achievers Fund is an ETF which targets firms which have had the financial...